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Pathway Community Church

Keeping Connected

“Keeping Connected” – that is the challenge! How does a body that has always functioned face to face stay connected when it no longer can meet face to face? While we may not have a complete answer, I will say that we are all figuring that out together. Most of us are scrambling to use technology to keep connected in ways we may never have before, and it is a great help and sometimes humorous!

Most of you would have gotten a big kick out of our first attempt at a “Zoom” meeting with our Deacons. With varying bandwidths (Warren with none at all and connected by conference call) it was very interesting. PJ’s connection made him sound like everything from Stephen Hawking to Darth Vader with a cold. My camera didn’t work and sharing my screen crashed the meeting twice. Contrary to what we had been told, Zoom did not lift the 40-minute limit on meetings with its’ free version and it kicked us out twice. We finally resorted to David using his phone (an Android no less) to conference call us all for a closing prayer.

Even with the mishaps, two things were clear. Our Body loves each other, and our leadership is working to keep us all connected. One of the tools for connection is our Pathway website. We created a “Keeping Connected” page and here is what is available so far…

  • A “Featured” music video to help provide heart focus and encouragement

  • “Kids Time” click to see lessons/videos/links for teaching our children

  • “Pathway Posts” shares thoughts from our people. We invite submissions!

  • “Pastor’s Blog” gives thoughts and updates from Pastor Dan

  • “Prayer” to submit and display prayer requests including a prayer guide

  • “Music” – music and lyric worship videos, Pathway song book, playlists

  • “Sunday Home Studies” studies for use on Sunday mornings

  • “More Resources” links to encouraging resources like RightNow Media

  • “Give” to keep our rhythm of worship even in times of distress

In the works… “Video Connections” – During this time of trials and anxiety a picture can be worth a thousand words! Seeing each other can be encouraging! We have an idea... but we need your help. Will you send a picture of you and/or your family? You could be doing something that has brought you joy during this COVID19 time, a greeting selfie, short video, music performance or anything that your creativity can dream of that might help bring us together! (Rick must have ALL ideas approved by Sig! – Executive Order #1)

Other Ideas? Let us know! This “Keeping Connected” tool is a work in progress and input is welcome. Also know this, that if you are struggling, please reach out to us so we can reach out to you. Perhaps your heart is “anchored”, make it a daily part of your routine to reach out and “touch” someone (virtually, of course). For those who may be struggling to one degree or another, reaching out, is often a tonic for the soul and mutually beneficial. It has been uplifting to hear how many of us are already making these connections on a daily basis!

Peace and Blessings,

Pastor Dan

“I therefore, a prisoner for the Lord, urge you to walk in a manner worthy of the calling to which you have been called, with all humility and gentleness, with patience, bearing with one another in love, eager to maintain the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace.” Ephesians 4:1-3 ESV


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